Empowering women in forestry

Spillkråkan is a Swedish nationwide association for women

Spillkråkan is a Swedish nationwide association for women who own forest and women in families who own forest. We are a learning network and members share knowledge and experience around sustainable forest management, economy, gender equality in the forestry sector, environmental challenges and forest governance.

Spillkråkan provides a rich array of activities and learning opportunities for our members. We offer excursions, training sessions, and lectures on various topics, both locally in our 10 different branches and nationally, often in digital formats.

Spillkråkan also engages in advocacy and democratic processes to enhance women’s influence in the Swedish forestry sector.

Our main goals:

  • Strengthen women’s influence in the forestry sector
  • Increase knowledge and awareness of sustainable forestry
  • Build female networks for knowledge development and experience exchange

Co-operation with other networks

Spillkråkan collaborates with other organisations and networks for women both in Sweden and in the Nordics. Spillkråkan is part of the network Nordic Forest Women, which was founded with support from the Nordic Council of Ministers to increase gender equality in the forest sector.

Read more about Nordic Forest Women, Nordiske Skogskvinner.